Thursday, August 21, 2014

Run Until I Finish

Run Until I Finish

How can I finish the race before me when I’m weighed down by things of the past as well as the present?
Pain, anger, resentment, and bitterness are hindrances that has caused years of distress. They have resided within my heart for years even though I woke daily moving forward like there was nothing wrong.

No one saw the pain in my eyes.

See, I know that God has truly kept me because as I set my pride aside I share this because someone needs to see how far HE has brought me.  

As time passed pain, anger, resentment and bitterness wouldn't even be the biggest battle I would have to fight. Breast cancer would be, so I thought. I walked into the battle head on with the heart of determination because GOD placed it in my spirit this will be your testimony before I even received the diagnosis.

So, with breast cancer conquered yet another battle was on the horizon.

I was forewarned with a message from GOD and my mother was the messenger! While I was going through chemotherapy she gave me the message that I would beat breast cancer but depression would come in and that’s going to be my biggest battle.

See when you have a praying mother God reveals things to them. Not always what you want to hear, though. I don’t even remember what my reply was, guess what I was diagnosed with depression in July. 

Depression is not recognized as a disease yet it is and a deadly one at that. So many fail to seek help because of not wanting to be labeled as crazy, in my opinion the only thing crazy about any illness is not seeking help.

I have decided to lay a new declaration upon the word Depression. I encourage suffers to be….

Determined because
Everything placed before you is for your good
Press on because your faith sustains you
Release the spirit of depression, it has been evicted
Excited because you may not know where you’re headed but you’re no longer where you were
Shout because of your grace and mercy I AM HEALED
Overcoming the pain, anger, resentment, bitterness, and depression because of you, GOD
NO weapon formed against me shall prosper

I have released the hindrance that has held me captive for so long and now is the time to finish the race before me. Look for me at the finish line because the weights have been lifted.

“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” Hebrews 12:1

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


(Born, Broken, Rebuilt)

Be not ashamed or weary of the feeling of the brokenness you maybe enduring. 
Many see brokenness as suffering but it is not. 

Your brokenness gives God the open avenues to do a work in you so that you will submit your life to Him in every way.

No, you are not being punished because of something you may have done.

Yes, your brokenness is preparing you for your future.

Sometimes you have to be broken in order for what is on the inside of you to manifest outwardly. 

Remain humble, and by faith go through the process.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”  -Eph. 2:8-10

I, myself have been broken and I have tried things my way only to fail many times.

So, this is what I’m doing and I encourage you to join me and, “Cast your burdens on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.”  - Psalm 55:22

There are many things that may keep you from surrendering to God during your brokenness.

It could be the things of this world you hold dear, relationships, ignorance; just not knowing, fear, and most of all pride.

When you finally decide to surrender your will to God watch the manifestation of the promises in His word take place and the miraculous change in YOU!

Then you will ask yourself “Why did I wait so long?”  God is breaking you only to build you into a stronger individual.

You should use your time of brokenness to minister to someone that needs to hear your story.
So, continue to endure and be blessed.

Friday, August 8, 2014


“My brethren count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that this testing of your faith produces patience.” James 1:2-3 (NKJV)

Constant sighs. The overwhelming feelings of anxiety and fear surfaces with each breath taken at the very thought of everything before you. 

I’m tired. I take one step forward only to be knocked back two. Why me? Why am I constantly facing difficult trials? 

Those are statements and questions spoken aloud and from the heart with sincere calls for help.

My belief is that when we state “I’m tired,” the Lord will show you differently. He’ll place more before you only for you to realize that you will overcome even though you spoke those words. God knows just how much you can and cannot bear.

You take one step forward and knocked back two. Did you ever consider that the path you were taking was not the path God wanted you on?  

You ask God to guide you, yet when you’re headed in the direction YOU desire only to be disappointed so, you feel discouraged. God knows the plans He has for you. (Jeremiah 29:11)

"Why me?"  "Why not you?"
" The race is not given to the swift, nor the battle to the strong." (Ecclesiates 9:11)

So my question to you again is, “Why not you?” God knows what you’re capable of doing even though you fail to see that in yourself. Your constant trials are not always for you and believe it or not they are not always signifying a setback. You must endure so others can see just how magnificent God is. They must see that it was HIM that brought you through and that He’s using you to bring others to HIM.

As you face each trial embrace it and allow your faith in God to get you through. The end is such a glorious site, so get there and enjoy the grace of new beginnings!!!

 “But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.” 1 Peter 5:10

Saturday, August 2, 2014



We as people often speak these words "We're not going to claim that," however who are we to say what we will and will not claim. I say this because I did not wake up in December 2013 and decide I would claim invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer. I did speak of beginning my own business as well as publishing a book. Those were my plans. 

In the new international version of the bible Jeremiah 29:11 states "For I know the plans I have for you. "declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." So once again who are we to say what we will and will not claim. Our lives were written before we were conceived in our mothers wound and yes we do have choices but our life is written.  

For me I must honestly say, if I had the choice I would not have claimed my diagnosis. I would not have taken this journey, but we know it wasn't up to me. I thank the Lord for this journey and the strength Hes given me to get through. So, I myself will no longer speak those six words to anyone anymore. I have learned through personal experience it wasn't something that I, myself, really cared to hear. 

So, as each one of us rise each morning count it all joy because it was written that way. Blessed we are because our faith in God sustains us knowing that He does not lie. 

Friday, August 1, 2014



Beauty is not your complexion.

Beauty is not the fullness of your lips, 
nor the firmness of your breast,
or the thickness of your thighs. 

Beauty is not the hair upon your head 
or the cosmetics on your face. 

Beauty is not the reflection that is seen in the mirror.

Beauty is the person that is not defined 
by the standards most hold dear.

Beauty is the expression of love that is extended to others.

Beauty is exemplified from your inner most being.


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Self Evaluation

Self evaluation is hard, but something we must do as a people. Let me take you back for a moment. Remember when you were told, "when you point a finger at someone you have three pointing back at you." Some understand it and others don't. No one is perfect, perfection is something we try to obtain even though that is something we will always be striving for. God, Jehovah, Allah, The Most High or however you refer to your creator, is the only one that has accomplished perfection. 

I am human just like you, but if I fail to realize my own faults how can I love completely, genuinely, and truthfully? I cannot. Holding onto the pain of yesterday, the resentment and anger only stalls growth, inner peace and experiencing love. I have been hurt and I have also hurt someone. I have been lied to but I have also lied myself. I have held on to past hurt and built a wall to protect myself, so I thought. I had to step back and realize that the wall I stood behind was hurting no one but myself, yet my actions from that was hurting the people around me.  

So people, realize that why you may want to point the finger and blame others for things that may have happened to you, you must also take responsibility for your own actions. By that I mean do not dwell on the past it is just that, the past. Do not allow the past to hinder your growth in the present. Yes your growth is hindered when you fail to let go and live. Wake up and motive and encourage yourself, because honestly self evaluation isn't hard at all!!

Flourish and Fly