Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Self Evaluation

Self evaluation is hard, but something we must do as a people. Let me take you back for a moment. Remember when you were told, "when you point a finger at someone you have three pointing back at you." Some understand it and others don't. No one is perfect, perfection is something we try to obtain even though that is something we will always be striving for. God, Jehovah, Allah, The Most High or however you refer to your creator, is the only one that has accomplished perfection. 

I am human just like you, but if I fail to realize my own faults how can I love completely, genuinely, and truthfully? I cannot. Holding onto the pain of yesterday, the resentment and anger only stalls growth, inner peace and experiencing love. I have been hurt and I have also hurt someone. I have been lied to but I have also lied myself. I have held on to past hurt and built a wall to protect myself, so I thought. I had to step back and realize that the wall I stood behind was hurting no one but myself, yet my actions from that was hurting the people around me.  

So people, realize that why you may want to point the finger and blame others for things that may have happened to you, you must also take responsibility for your own actions. By that I mean do not dwell on the past it is just that, the past. Do not allow the past to hinder your growth in the present. Yes your growth is hindered when you fail to let go and live. Wake up and motive and encourage yourself, because honestly self evaluation isn't hard at all!!

Flourish and Fly

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