Monday, September 28, 2015



          How would one define beauty? Would one define it by the attire that is worn or maybe the hairdo upon ones head? Better yet could it be the cosmetics that is upon the face? Beauty is none of those things. By no means am I knocking those that are defined by their outer appearance because beauty is defined differently by each one of us. The phrase beauty is in the eye of the beholder is true but to be fascinated by outer beauty is vain. So many men and women are memorized by the outer being that they often overlook true beauty.  Stop with the superficial judgment and condemnation of others that you know nothing about. Get to know someone from what lies within them not from their outer being. Their outer being does not and should define them.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Reclaiming Self

If I chose to speak would you really listen? Actively listen. Clearing your mind, giving me your full attention, without any interruptions and willing to give feedback if needed. Will you?  If I stood before you silent with tears rolling down my cheeks would you give a comforting hug? Without reservations could you wrap your arms around me and hold me without asking questions? Will you?

Simple questions yet hard for some to answer. Many have given their hearts only to have them trampled upon. They've also given their souls. So, many men and women have given so much to others and lost so much of  themselves. Today reclaim your heart, soul, and body giving it back to yourself  but most of all to your creator. For it belongs to HIM!